
KIRA Training Course

LIVE COURSE: Starting September 28, 2024

Karmic integration is a practical aspect of karmic and reincarnation astrology that teaches you:

1. How to balance the contradiction between your inner feelings and desires, and outer circumstances.
2. How to work with past-life energies and integrate past-life memories through interaction with Animal Spirit Guides connected to your natal chart.
3. How to work with future-life energy and intelligence to activate the big vision and talents missing in your current life. Here, you will learn how to work with the 72 Angels of the Zodiac.

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Webinar: Karmic Astrology and Relationships


Karmic Astrology offers a unique perspective on relationships by exploring the karmic connections between individuals.

Discover how past lives may influence your current connections and learn valuable insights for navigating your relationships with greater awareness and understanding.

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COURSE: Natal Astrology


Welcome to my exciting course on Natal Astrology, crafted to guide you through the enchanting world of astrological interpretation.

Whether you're just starting out or looking to deepen your understanding of Astrology, this course will provide you with the tools and knowledge toĀ read natal charts like a pro!

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Astro Animal Spirit Guides


When we get to know our subconscious, animal nature, we learn how to balance and correctly use our energy which, first and foremost, unites all our ancestors, providing us with the strength to overcome our karma and ultimately awakens our incarnation.

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Connect With Me on Instagram

Hi, I'm Aleksandar ImsigragicĀ 

I'm the founder of Johannes Kepler Astrological Institute and I was the ISAR President from 2017 - 2023. I've been an astrologer since 1989 and a meditation teacher since 1993. My biggest passion is traveling and writing books. I'm an author of more than twenty books, many of them which are translated into different languages. My special interests are in the fields of fixed stars, karmic astrology, and astro-healing.