“Some people are truly born under a “lucky star”, exactly where they were born. For some other people, we should look at this “right place” from a wider perspective and find the one that connects them to the sky of their greatest possibilities.”
Just as every person we meet is present in our own natal chart, and we can observe and understand them on that level, so do different places exist as a part of our being, carrying different potentials for our life’s story.
Each place on our planet has its own nature and energy. We could look at the wider picture, and see that our planet Earth is represented by the sign of Taurus, with Venus as its ruler. From there, we can see that each continent has the nature of a certain sign, also combined with a specific planet. This exploration takes us further, and we can uncover the nature of each country, region, city or town.
It is of great value to us to discover this primary symbolic nature of different places, and describe it using astrological codes. These codes can then be found in our natal chart, and a trained eye can interpret them and gain insights into how they reflect in our life, and what kind of possibilities they bring.
Each memory we have of certain areas already exists within ourselves. When we know where we are, we can also understand what karmic connections we have with some places, because our Soul can carry especially strong karmic memories and links to some areas of our planet. Additionally, by following our chart and thinking about the places that we visit or where we choose to live, we could even see potential results of events that occur to us.
The art of recognizing different places and understanding their nature can also enable us to find exact places that offer the greatest possibility for our happiness and success. For, each of us is born with certain potentials, specific talents and gifts, and there are places that let us produce our best results. Astro Geography lets us see where certain planetary lines are the most accentuated when looking at our natal chart, and it can help us find those places where we could live under our own “lucky star”. These are the places where we can fully explore our amazing qualities, and where we can express our talents and gifts in a wonderful way. The energy of these places represents the best vibrational foundation for our great story.
The Course lasts 3 months.