Karmic astrology is the science that seeks to explain why life assigns certain roles to individuals - roles defined by factors such as gender, race, origins, status, and more.
Understanding one’s past incarnations also offers insight into future ones, as past and future are intertwined by an invisible thread. This unity exists in the present, manifesting in the circumstances and actions of one’s current life.
The people around us reflect our past, reminding us of the roles and lives we once lived, whether we liked them or not. Each reaction to these individuals reinforces our karmic patterns, shaping our future and next life. These are often incremental shifts, as similar energies attract, leading to future lives that resemble past ones. Yet, the Soul longs for nobility and seeks to enrich all it has already experienced by striving for greater unity.
If the purpose of Natal Astrology is to explain what will happen in a person’s life, and Predictive Astrology to point to when something will happen, then it is Karmic Astrology that gives an explanation of why and how a person has created their particular destiny.
Karmic and Reincarnation Astrology illuminates the past lives that have led to one’s current circumstances, shedding light on the purpose they must fulfill in this life, as well as the roles they are likely to play in future incarnations.
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