The story of revealing your Shadow Guide is the story of your karma, past lives, memories and unconscious that, until they are made conscious, end up being your destiny. This story about the part of your being that is called the Shadow is the story of questions that need to be answered in order to become aware of it: Who is at your centre? Who is the leader? Who is in charge of collecting everything in one point and finding the least common denominator? Who is the SELF?
The Shadow is not the Self in the essential meaning of that word, but it is a huge part of the "reality" you are living. Everything you experience as your life circumstances actually constitutes your Shadow.
In this book, you'll explore the energy carried over from many past lives and the karmic stories attached to it.
You'll learn how specific energies were created in given past lives and gain insight into their stories, how they manifest in the present life, and what steps you can take to make this energy work for you.
This is an e-book and it will be delivered to you digitally.
If you would like to purchase the paperback version (382 Pages, Format: B5), please contact us.